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WVU Researcher Recognized for Work in Land Reclamation

WVU Researcher Recognized for Work in Land Reclamation

Morgantown, W.Va. -- The American Society of Mining and Reclamation awarded its 2017 Pioneers in Reclamation Award to Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz, director of the West...[Read More]
A new kind of mining

A new kind of mining

A team at West Virginia University, led by Paul Ziemkiewicz, director of the West Virginia Water Research Institute, is studying the occurrence of rare earth...[Read More]
Appalachian coal mine waste could provide key ingredients for clean energy

Appalachian coal mine waste could provide key ingredients for clean energy

Researchers at state universities in the Southeast are closing in on whether one of the region’s biggest liabilities – coal mine waste – might become...[Read More]
Ziemkiewicz analyzes data from untreated mine water used as a drinking source for Inside Appalachia

Ziemkiewicz analyzes data from untreated mine water used as a drinking source for Inside Appalachia

Morgantown, W.Va. – As mining companies close and leave Appalachia, water systems in these company towns are often abandoned. Eight water systems in southern...[Read More]
WVWRI to co-host regional water conference; announces Call for Abstracts

WVWRI to co-host regional water conference; announces Call for Abstracts

The West Virginia Water Research Institute at West Virginia University is accepting abstracts through March 27 for the 2017 Mid-Atlantic Water Resources Conference. The event will...[Read More]
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