FY18 WVWRI & USGS 104B Request for Proposals

Written by mkruger on . Posted in Funding, News, Press Release

WV Water Research Institute releases Request for Proposals

The WV Water Research Institute is requesting proposals for research expected to be funded March 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Department of the Interior, will sponsor the research. Faculty from all WV Colleges and universities are encouraged to submit proposals. It is expected that three to five projects will be funded in the range of $10,000 - $20,000 each. Areas of Emphasis/Research Priorities for the State of West Virginia are listed below.

Water Metrics
• THM’s-factors controlling PSD exceedances*
• Bromide sources-sources, mass balance in streams, factors controlling stream concentrations, impacts*
• Policy options proven to protect water resources that could help WV

Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
• Watershed management to reduce flooding
• Project changes in storm hydrographs
• Baseflow indices at the watershed level
• Pooling water resources for use during drought

Industrial Processes and Urban Sprawl
• Withdrawals/consumptions
• UIC’s Issues with permitting, compliance, safety

Proposals under this announcement must be submitted through the internet site at niwr.net. Proposals are due by 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time December 15, 2017.

Download and view the RFP

FY17 WVWRI & USGS 104b Request for Proposals

Written by Andrew Stacy on . Posted in Funding, News


The West Virginia Water Research Institute is requesting proposals for research expected to be funded March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018. The U.S. Geological Survey will sponsor the research. Faculty from all West Virginia colleges and universities are encouraged to submit proposals. It is expected that up to 4 projects will be funded at $10,000 each. The closing date is December 21, 2016.

Proposals are invited that enhance the Environmental STEM Research Program at the Boy Scouts of America’s Summit Bechtel Reserve in Mount Hope, West Virginia. Successful applicants will develop aspects of the proposed research into a curriculum that will be taught to Boy Scouts of varying ages, typically 12-20 years of age. Proposed research and activities should complement the current Environmental STEM Research Program at the BSA Bechtel Summit and fit into the framework already established. Research areas already established in the program include Ecohydrology, Wetland Ecology and Phenology.

Research topics of primary interest include stream recovery from mining operations and indicators of long term climatic trends.

Closing Date:

December 21, 2016

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants are faculty members or affiliates at institutions of higher education in the State of West Virginia.

Ineligible applicants are the following:

    a. Applications for research on health effects involving human subjects.
    b. Applications for research involving oceanography (estuarine research applications are acceptable).
    c. Applications submitted by principal investigator(s) that have not met reporting requirements on a previous award by the USGS.

View and download the RFP by clicking the image below.

Pages from RFP USGS 104b program FY17

RFP Announcement - FY15 Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program

Written by Derek Springston on . Posted in Funding

The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources requests proposals for matching grants to support research on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; evaluation of the dynamics of extreme hydrological events and associated costs; development of methods for better estimation of the physical and economic supply of water; alternative approaches and governance mechanisms for integrated management of ground and surface waters; and the evaluation and assessment of conservation practices.

For more information and to download the RFP, click on the image below.

RFP # G15AS00019

Closing Date(s):
5:00 pm, Eastern Time, February 19, 2015 (Investigators)
5:00 pm, Eastern Time, March 12, 2015 (Approved by Institutes)

FY2015 Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants RFP

NIWR RFP Cover Page

  1. pintarbersamamedan.org
  2. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  3. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana
  5. GenerasiTOGEL
  6. TOGEL
  8. TOGEL
  9. https://elk-mountain.com/