
WVWRI Welcomes New Environmental Scientist

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MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – The West Virginia Water Research Institute (WVWRI) is pleased to announce that Chance Chapman has joined its team as its new Environmental Scientist. The WVWRI is a program of the National Research Center for Coal and Energy at West Virginia University. Chapman, a West Virginia native, earned his undergraduate degree in Natural Resource Management from Glenville State University.

“I look forward to being able to put my skillset to work in a way which positively impacts the environment and aids in working towards the goal of leaving the environment better than when one of our projects began,” said Chapman.

Most recently, Chapman earned his Juris Doctor from the West Virginia University College of Law with a concentration in Energy and Sustainable Development Law, something which he feels will benefit him greatly in his new position.

“My combination of education in both the scientific and legal aspects of environmental protection and restoration has provided me with a unique understanding of both the scientific and legal issues associated with water quality management,” he continued.

In his new role, Chapman will perform water chemistry-related field and laboratory research activities and will help implement land reclamation projects by collaborating with state and federal agencies, watershed organizations, university researchers and external contractors.

“I have always had an interest in the outdoors and the environment,” said Chapman. “Growing up in West Virginia I have seen firsthand the positives and negatives that go along with mineral extraction. In my new role at WRI, I am excited to be involved in research that could potentially have positive impacts on both industry and communities.”

Chapman is excited to get to work doing something that is important to him and that he enjoys. His professional interests include energy, sustainable development and natural resource management.

“We are very lucky to have Chance join our team,” said Melissa O’Neal, program manager for the WVWRI. “His education and experience will be of great value to our staff and will provide us with more opportunity for collaboration with state and private entities.”

Andrew Stacy, Public Relations Coordinator, West Virginia Water Research Institute
[email protected]

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