Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium

More than 123 million tons of solid byproducts are produced by coal-burning electric utilities each year in the U.S. The mission of the Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC) is to develop and demonstrate technologies to address issues related to the recycling of these byproducts.

By 2010, the CBRC hopes to:

  • increase the overall ash utilization rate from the current 43% to 50%,
  • increase the current rate of flue gas desulfurization byproduct use,
  • increase the number of uses considered allowable under state regulations, and
  • examine the environmental impact of byproduct use and disposal.

To meet these goals, the CBRC provides seed money to researchers to develop innovative applications for coal combustion byproducts while ensuring their economic and environmental viability. Since it was established in 1998, the CBRC has funded 52 projects in excess of $10 million ($5,973,861 in federal funds and more than $4,775,313 in cost share). As a result, many of the CBRC’s technologies have been selected for large-scale demonstrations, with several technologies generating results that have been adopted as agency policy or adopted by industry as commercial processes.

The CBRC is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory and is supported by the American Coal Ash Association, the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, and numerous state and corporate sponsors.

Project Listing

Project No. Project Title Recipient Principal Investigator CBRC/DOE/NETL Cost-Share Total Project
05-CBRC-E08 National Network of Research and Demonstration Sites for Agricultural and Other Land Application Uses of FGD Products The Ohio State University Warren A. Dick $116,338 $59,945 $176,283 Active
05-CBRC-E18 Field Testing of Arsenic and Mercury Bioavailability Model from Land-Applied CCBs Tennessee Valley Authority Paul A. Pier $23,530 $57,790 $81,320 Active
05-CBRC-E19 Community-based Social Marketing: the tool to get target audiences to use CCBs University of Tennessee Richard G. Buggeln $53,915 $25,001 $78,916 Active
05-CBRC-M09 Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements Using Self-Cementing Fly Ash: Analysis of Pavement Performance and Structure Number University of Missouri-Kansas City Anil Misra $24,987 $30,488 $55,475 Active
05-CBRC-M16 In Situ Stabilization of Gravel Roads with CCPs University of Wisconsin-Madison Tuncer B. Edil $65,180 $33,885 $99,065 Active
05-CBRC-M20 New Technology Based Approach to Advance Higher Volume Fly Ash Concrete with Acceptable Performance National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Karthik H. Obla $132,502 $57,378 $189,880 Active
05-CBRC-M23 Manufacturing Building Products with Fly Ash and Advanced CCBs Illinois State Geological Survey Mei-In Melissa Chou $51,000 $96,130 $147,130 Active
05-CBRC-W03 Evaluation of CCBs for In Situ Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage CC Environmental, LLC Geoffrey A. Canty $13,646 $6,199 $19,845 Active
05-CBRC-W04 Using Class C Fly Ash to Mitigate Alkali-Silica Reactions in Concrete University of North Dakota Bruce A. Dockter $50,000 $33,556 $83,556 Active
05-CBRC-W08 Evaluation of the Durability and Commercial Potential of 100% Fly Ash Concrete Montana State University Jerry Stephens $71,634 $31,936 $103,570 Active
02-CBRC-E6 Prediction of the Effects of Placing CCBs in Contact with Mine Spoil West Virginia Water Research Institute Rick Herd $55,089.00 $19,649.00 $74,738.00 Active
02CBRCE10 Commercialization of Production Foundry Molds Made from Coal Combustion Byproducts (CCBs) for High Volume Automotive Applications Energy Industries of Ohio - Casting Development Center Robert M. Purgert $61,815.00 $80,000.00 $141,815.00 Completed
02-CBRC-M12 Manufacturing Fired Bricks with Class F Fly Ash from Illinois Basin coals Illinois State Geological Survey Mei-In Melissa Chou $60,000.00 $81,721.00 $141,721.00 Active
02-CBRC-W09 Power Plant Combustion Byproducts for Improved Crop Productivity of Agricultural Soils New Mexico State University Michael K. O’Neill $69,664.00 $49,344.00 $119,008.00 Active
02-CBRC-W12 Engineering and Environmental Specifications of State Agencies for Utilization and Disposal of Coal Combustion Products University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Bruce A. Dockter $40,000.00 $15,716.00 $55,716.00 Completed
01CBRCE09 Development of Fly Ash Derived Sorbents to Capture CO2from Flue Gas of Power Plants Pennsylvania State University M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer $70,000.00 $25,494.00 $95,494.00 Completed
01CBRCE10 Full-Scale Testing of Coal Combustion Product Pavement Sections Subjected to Repeated Wheel Loads Ohio State University Tarunjit S. Butalia $70,000.00 $463,943.00 $533,943.00 Active
01CBRCM12 The Effect of Mercury Controls on Wallboard Manufacture Tennessee Valley Authority Sandra Meischen $66,000.00 $22,000.00 $88,000.00 Completed


The Impact of Adsorption on the Mobility of Arsenic and Selenium Leached from Coal Combusion Products Southern Illinois University Bradley Paul $70,000.00 $68,412.00 $138,412.00 Active
01CBRCM23 Qualifying CCBs for Agricultural Land Application University of North Dakota David J. Hassett $70,000.00 $35,613.00 $105,613.00 Active
01CBRCW1 Development of a Database of CCB Publications University of North Dakota Tera D. Berland $51,538.00 $17,183.00 $68,721.00 Completed
00CBRCE15 Siege of Acre Maryland DNR Paul Petzrick $50,000.00 $111,552.00 $161,552.00 Completed
00CBRCE24 Laboratory and Field Demonstration of the Control of Ettringite Swelling Pennsylvania State University Barry E. Scheetz $40,667.00 $17,546.00 $58,213.00 Completed
00CBRCE37 Effects of Large-Scale CCB Applications on Groundwater: Case Studies West Virginia University Louis McDonald $66,946.00 $39,005.00 $105,951.00 Completed
00CBRCE41 Environmental Effects of Large-Volume FGD Fill GAI Consultants, Inc. Phillip E. Glogowski $91,000.00 $196,300.00 $287,300.00 Completed
00CBRCE42 The Use of Fly Ash as an Aggregate for Foundry Sand Mold and Core Production Energy Industries of Ohio Jerzy Sobczak $42,100.00 $41,800.00 $83,900.00 Completed
00CBRCM04 Crushed Aggregates from Class C Fly Ash University of Missouri Anil Misra $76,563.00 $100,301.00 $176,864.00 Completed
00CBRCM05 Long Term Excavatability of Flowable Fill Containing Coal Combustion Byproducts Tennessee Technological University L.K. Crouch $38,933.00 $15,965.00 $54,898.00 Completed
00CBRCM09 Reclaiming a Surface Coal Mine with Coal Combustion Byproducts Ish Inc. Ishwar P. Murarka $183,043.00 $300,500.00 $483,543.00 Active
00CBRCM11 Development of CCB Fill Materials for Use as Mechanically Stabilized Marine Structures Louisiana State University Kelly A. Rusch $81,694.00 $45,411.00 $127,105.00 Completed
00CBRCM14 High Performance Masonry Units from 100% Fly Ash; Synergistic Approach Wayne State University Hwai-Chung Wu $66,921.00 $29,180.00 $96,101.00 Completed
00CBRCW02 Varra Coal Ash Burial Project CGRS,Inc. Joby Adams $45,761.00 $15,804.00 $61,565.00 Completed
00CBRCW04 Pilot Testing of Fly Ash-Derived Sorbents for Mercury Control in Coal-Fired Flue Gas ADA Technologies, Inc. James R. Butz $87,819.00 $31,015.00 $118,834.00 Completed
00CBRCW10 Evaluation of Fly Ash Admixtures for Final Cover and Composite Liner Applications Sunflower Electric Power Corp. James R. Carlson $49,575.00 $61,575.00 $111,150.00 Completed
99ECE04 Economical Treatment of High Carbon Fly Ash to Produce a Low Foam Index Product with Carbon Content Retained Waynesburg College Robert LaCount $68,673.00 $97,156.00 $165,829.00 Completed
99ECE06 Effects of Ammonia Adsorption on Fly ash due to Installation of SCR Technology GAI Consultants, Inc. Gary Brendel $84,969.00 $69,486.00 $154,455.00 Completed
99ECE08 Flue Gas Desulfurization Byproducts Provide Sulfur and Trace Mineral Nutrition for Alfalfa and Soybean Ohio State University Warren A. Dick $48,650.00 $48,650.00 $97,300.00 Completed
99ECE11 Utilization of Fly ash and Urban Yard Waste as Soil Amendments to Improve Soil Fertility University of Florida Peter Stofella $75,466.00 $41,102.00 $116,568.00 Completed
99ECE13 Odor and HAP Control in Waste Treatment Processes Using Coal Combustion Ash University of Georgia K.C. Das $59,553.00 $19,851.00 $79,404.00 Completed
99ECE15 Water Quality Monitoring at an Abandoned Mine Site USGS Ralph Haefner $92,000.00 $30,560.00 $122,560.00 Completed
99ECE16 Ammonia Removal from Fly Ash in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Lehigh University Edward Levy $83,188.00 $56,263.00 $139,451.00 Completed
99ECE17 Proposal for Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Strata Above the North Lobe of the Omega Mine WVDEP David Broschart $25,072.00 $27,656.00 $52,728.00 Completed
99ECE24 Use of Clean Coal Technology Products in the Construction of Low Permeability Liners Ohio State University William Wolfe $25,258.00 $924,544.00 $949,802.00 Completed
99ECM01 A development of Structural Materials from Sulfate-Rich Wet Scrubber Southern Illinois University Vivak Malhotra $116,180.00 $405,331.00 $521,511.00 Completed
99ECM04 Boron Transport from Coal Combustion Product Utilization and Disposal Sites Southern Illinois University Bradley Paul $66,795.00 $51,446.00 $118,241.00 Completed
99ECM05 Soil Stabilization and Drying by Use of Fly Ash University of Wisconsin Tuncer Edil $101,310.00 $34,624.00 $135,934.00 Completed
99ECM06 Development and Demonstration of High-Carbon CCPs and FGD Byproducts in Permeable Roadway Base Construction University of Wisconsin Tarun Naik $66,190.00 $40,000.00 $106,190.00 Completed
99ECM07 Industry-Government-University Cooperative Research Program for Development of Coal Combustion Products-Based Transmission Poles Southern Illinois University Yoginder Paul Chugh $113,880.00 $299,394.00 $413,274.00 Completed
99ECW01 Varra Coal Ash Burial Project CGRS,Inc. Joby Adams $18,762.00 $23,739.00 $42,501.00 Completed
99ECW02 Fiber-Fly-Ash Based Wall-Panel Development AeRock, Inc. John Hunt $42,052.00 $22,864.00 $64,916.00 Completed
99ECW04 The Use of Coal Combustion By-Products for In Situ Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage CC Environmental Geoffrey A. Canty $85,890.00 $38,560.00 $124,450.00 Completed
99ECW05 Promote Increased Use of Coal Combustion Products to State Regulators and Government Agencies Ish, Inc. Ishwar P. Murarka $45,000.00 $20,000.00 $65,000.00 Active

Project Fact Sheets


Consortium Regular Publications








Project Publications

  5. GenerasiTOGEL
  6. TOGEL
  8. TOGEL