
July 18, 2017 - Presentation at ETD26 WVU/KU Workshop on findings from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environmental Laboratory (MSEEL).

Characterizing Liquid and Solid Wastes in the Marcellus 7.18.17 - Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz

January 17, 2014 - Presentation to West Virginia State Legislature’s Joint Commission on Water Resources regarding Elk River chemical spill incident

State Legislature Presentation (Elk River) 1.17.14 - Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz

March 11, 2014 - Shale Gas and the Environment Workshop Hosted by WVWRI & PTTC

Troubleshooting Pits and Impoundments Throughout the Marcellus Shale Play - Dr. John Quaranta
Characterization and Management of Water and Waste Streams from Marcellus Shale Fields - Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz
Benefits of Implementing Wireless Air Monitoring Systems in Marcellus Shale Fields - Dr. Mike McCawley
Cardiovascular Effects of Mountaintop Mining Particulate Matter: Similarities to Shale Gas Development - Dr. Travis Knuckles
Methane Emissions from Dual-Fuel Engines Utilized for Shale Gas Development - Dr. Nigel Clark and Dr. Andrew Nix

Monday, March 24, 2014 - WVU College of Law
Protecting West Virginia’s Water: Legislation, Litigation, and Lessons Learned for the Future of Water Regulation in West Virginia
Ziemkiewicz Law Forum MCHM 24mar14 - Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz

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